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Your browser does not seem to support iframes. Click here to read this PDF. Convert your PDF to digital flipbook ↗ Contents Summer 2001 Editorial; Dates for your diary; Back issues of Polar Post. . . . . . . 34 Chairman/Secretary Report for 2000; Membership Secretary’s report for 2000 . . . . 35 Editor’s Report for 2000; Auction Superintendent’s Report for 2000; Accounts for 2000 . . . 36 Cover Service Account and Report for 2000; Library Report for 2000 . . . . . 37 Exchange Packet Summary for 2000; Eurocheques are no longer valid in Great Britain . . . 37 Minutes of the PPHSGB A.G.M. held at St Ermin’s Hotel, London, 3rd March 2001 . . . 38 Report on the Spring Meeting of the Polar Postal History Society of GB by Margery Wharton . . 39 Polar Medal Award for Dr Ronald I. Lewis-Smith . . . . . . . 39 Additions to the Library; Launch of the Discovery – special postmark; Membership update; Auction News 40 Covers and Postmarks from the 2000/2001 BAS Season; South Georgia News . . . . 41 Official Opening of the new BAS Station at King Edward Point by Margery Wharton . . . 42 A new name and new cachets for the South Georgia Museum . . . . . . 42 Dreaming on Desolation Island by Ray Garbutt; A further Medical Evacuation cover by Ray Garbutt . 43 Centenary of the Launch of SS Discovery . . . . . . . . 44 The National Antarctic Expedition – The Voyage of the Discovery – Part 2 . . . . 45 The “Dan” Ships of the Antarctic – Part 2 (ms Thala Dan, m.s Erika Dan, m.s. Perla Dan and m.s. Nella Dan) 48 Cover Offer 2556 – some further background information provided by Hal Vogel . . . 50 Australian Antarctic Airmail 1957 by Andrew Ellis . . . . . . . 51 The Arctic Aerial Expedition to the Pole of Relative Inaccessibility, April 1941 by Tony Walker . 52 Cachets of Tristan Da Cunha by Robin Taylor . . . . . . . . 54 The Jack Cole Sale Part 3 by Robin Taylor . . . . . . . . 55 Italian Bouvet Island Visit of 1958 by Robin Taylor; “New” Allan Crawford Cachet found by Robin Taylor 56 Visit of SS Good Hope Castle to Tristan Da Cunha by Revd. Father M. N. W. Edwards . . . 57 “ANTARKTIS-EXPEDITIONEN DER USA Poststempel der Stationen und Schiffe” – reviewed by J. Youle 57 “Kapitän Wilhelm Bades Touristikfahrten nach Norwegen, Spitzbergen und ins Europäische Nordmeer in Polarphilatelistischer Hinsicht” reviewed by John Youle. . . . . . . 58 A “Norwegian” Penguin from Aubery Halpern; Note on Copyright. . . . . . 58 Cover offers . . . . . . . . . . . 59 New Issue France 16th September 2000 – supplementary information . . . . . 65 New Issues:- AAT; New Zealand & Ross Dependency; TAAF; South Georgia; Japan . . . 65 Heard Island Post Office by Ray Garbutt . . . . . . . . 68